
Satellite Launch in Florida

A couple of weeks ago in Florida, we got to watch the launch of a weather satellite (GOES-P)…what a show! Here’s the video we shot with a little Flip camera:

As best I can tell, we were about 6.5 miles south of the launch pad. (See the other videos on the site for the footage that other people shot on the beach). That would fit with the ~30 seconds it took for the sound of the launch to reach us…a sound that was incredible!

Here’s the official NASA video of the launch. Really cool: had a neat article about the payload as well. Enjoy!

Hate When That Happens Technology

Why software development scares me

Developers, like me, are writing software for things that could kill me.

Did you see this news story? An error in programming gave hospital patients overdoses of radiation for 18 months before it was detected. If you read the story, it boils down to the fact that the guy in charge messed with settings he shouldn’t have been allowed to even see. So, maybe we don’t blame the programmers…


Roby Christmas Party 2008

Thanks to all of our friends at Roby — we had a great time at the annual Dirty Santa night. We look forward to the retreat!!


Fluff Humor

Calvin & Hobbes

Make sure nobody’s around, and then admit that this is funny…





Fluff Humor

This Week’s D’oh Moments

Enjoy two cat products and one dumb China-Olympics protester.

I’d like to see more specifically what happens when you open the door at the end…

As if the CatWash 9000 weren’t good enough, now there’s a new place you can make sure your friendly feline is getting enough Vitamin D. Yes, your very own Cat Tanning Bed!

One more, thanks to Digg…a protester against the Chinese hosting the Olympics who evidently isn’t very familiar with history…

In case you are wondering, the question isn’t "would we" but instead, "did we." The answer is "yes."


By the way….

She still says yes! :-) December 29th it is! Check out our website, hosted here at You can RSVP, get directions, and sign a guestbook. It’s still under a bit of construction, but it’s nearly done. Let me know if it gives you any grief.

 Also, be sure to check out the gallery at for our latest pictures. I just got all of mine from Zambia uploaded. You can check out for a gallery with all of the pictures from Camp Kalos 2006 (and I finally got around to uploading 2005’s, too!)

 Have a good one!



Merry Christmas Eve!

What more needs to be said?

Hate When That Happens

Wal-Mart: Axis of Evil

Alolng with the disappearing lake story, this Wal-Mart News is hereby deemed worthy of the new category, “I Hate When That Happens.”

Hate When That Happens

Missing a Lake?

Anybody missing a lake?

Man, I hate when that happens…


A Nice Robber

Man, we need more people like this out there. A robber who breaks in, feels guilty, and returns everything. He even fixed the door he broke! Awww!

Thanks to everyone who came out to Roby for the Gospel Meeting. It meant a lot to me and everyone there.