Every Day Bible

The Indestructible, Unstoppable Church

“If all the cathedrals on earth were gone, all the most glorious art were lost, and all of the world’s most valuable treasures were thrown out, Christians could and would still meet for worship around the Scriptures and Eucharist. To have church, all we need is Word and sacrament.”

(Tish Warren, Liturgy of the Ordinary)

One of the beautiful things about Christianity is its simple, unstoppable power. A virus and quarantine can’t stop the church from being the church. Power outages and downed trees don’t stop the church from being the church.

Never forget what Jesus said, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell [Sheol—the grave] shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18)

When Jesus said these words, he was standing in Caesarea Philippi, not far from Mount Hermon, an area sometimes referred to as Bashan. It was known for terrifying giant clans—the Rephaim and Anakim associated with kings Sihon and Og (Deuteronomy 2:10-12, Joshua 12:1-5).

Ugaritic history tells us that the locals believed the giants were the spirits of these dead wicked kings. They believed this area was the portal to the underworld, or the gates of Sheol. Nearby is Dan, where Jeroboam built an altar to Baal.

There is even Jewish legend that this is where the Nephilim of Genesis 6 were born, and they were the ancestors of the demons (1 Enoch 15:1-12).

On top of all of that, Caesarea Philippi was dedicated to Zeus.

What I’m saying is – if you wanted a headquarters for the spooky, evil, and demonic, this region is it.

How powerful is it that Jesus stood in this place and says, more literally, “the gates of hell will not withstand my church.”

A lot of people predict doom and gloom for the church—but Jesus said the opposite. He said that no force dares stand in the way of God’s kingdom.

I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel pretty optimistic about the future of the church!

Every Day Bible

Living “In Coram Deo”

Preview of Sunday’s Lesson
Sunday’s Lesson – 10:30am

No one, anywhere, has enough time or resources to do all the things they would like to do. Everything we say “yes” to is an automatic “no” to something else.

In this week’s lesson from Matthew 13, I suggest that the biggest dangers to our spiritual health are starvation and neglect (rocky soil and thorny soil). Those dangers arise directly from our choices about what we say “yes” to and what we say “no” to.

The problem is most of us don’t make those choices on purpose. We don’t plan to nourish our souls, so when we get home after work, rather than taking a strategic action, we take an easy action, and we re-watch the same TV show that wasn’t that funny the first seven times we watched it.

Living in coram deo means being conscious of the fact that we are living in the presence of God.

How would our choices about using time look different if Jesus accompanied us on each task?

How would our attitudes about the mundane chores of life feel different if Jesus were scrubbing toilets next to us?

How would our response to temptation change if we knew that Jesus were really beside us, helping us in the struggle, holding us by his nail-pierced hand?

Living in coram deo has the power to change our lives!

We’ll still neglect to do some things, but that neglect will be strategic neglect

Read Psalm 90

  • What metaphors does Psalm 90 use to illustrate the brevity of human life?
  • What does it mean to “number our days”? How might we do that?
  • How does numbering our days give us a heart of wisdom?

Read Ephesians 5:15-16

  • Look in the verses before and after this section. What do you think it means to walk “wisely”?
  • How would you define “making the best use of the time”?
  • Does making the best use of time eliminate recreation and rest? Why or why not?

In light of these passages, Matthew 6:33, and this morning’s lesson…

What are some things that you have been neglecting that need some attention?

What is something in your life that you need to start neglecting in order to focus on something more important?

Every Day Bible


I’ve never thought that the phrase “Good fences make good neighbors” made a lot of sense. In my experience, the best neighbors make me thankful not to have a fence, and bad neighbors aren’t deterred by fences.

Despite that, there’s something incredibly useful and powerful about boundaries. I’ve always liked how Galatians 6:2, 5 balances life for us: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ…Each will have to bear his own load.” It is appropriate for me to help someone in time of need. It is not appropriate for me to do all of their work for them.

If we don’t set boundaries intentionally, we’ll find that time, circumstances, and other people will set them for us. We might not like where they get set.

Brené Brown wrote, “Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They’re compassionate because their boundaries keep them out of resentment.”

I had never thought about boundary-setting is compassionate before. It doesn’t just help me, it helps others. In fact, it sounds an awful lot like what Jesus said. “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” (Matthew 5:37)

Every Day Bible

What Have We Learned From This?

This discussion guide accompanies the Sunday, April 26th sermon at Burns Church of Christ.

Life is an incredible teacher. Unfortunately, we’re not all great students!

Some people have 20 years of experience at work. Others have one year of experience, repeated twenty times.

What’s the difference? Mindset!

Are we people who seek out opportunities to learn and grow? Do we let our failures teach us and make us better? Or do we avoid taking chances that carry any risk of failure whatsoever.

In this week’s message, we focused on the idea that we can learn from times like this. We can learn from anything, if we’re willing to. One teacher told me that you can learn from any sermon—even if what you learn is, “This is an unhelpful way to explain this idea.”

We get excited when scientists make breakthroughs. We want to hear about a new drug that works wonders against disease. It’s far less exciting, but negative (or null) results are incredibly valuable, too. At the end of an unsuccessful trial, scientists need to share ideas about what doesn’t work in order to advance further research and prevent others from wasting time and resources going down a dead-end path.

The shorthand name for this idea—that we should look at life as an opportunity to learn from every moment—is called a growth mindset.

Growth mindset people believe that hard work, perseverance, and effort determine destiny far more than innate talent or blind luck. (The opposite of the growth mindset is the fixed mindset).

I think this idea finds a lot of support in scripture: that we should be people who learn and listen and grow and improve at every possible moment.

Read and discuss the following scriptures:

Proverbs 19:20

Proverbs 2:2

Matthew 11:15

Proverbs 19:27

Proverbs 25:12

Proverbs 18:2

Proverbs 12:1

Luke 17:5

1 Peter 2:2-3


How can you and your circle be intentional about developing a growth mindset?

If this mindset of curiosity and learning is so beneficial, what keeps us from it?

How can the growth mindset apply to your education or work?

How would a church led by people with this mindset look different than a church dominated by a fixed mindset?

For further study:

Every Day Bible

My Favorite Sermons from Last Year (2019)

This post carries the risk of being weird or self-promotional, but I’m going to chance it anyway.

If you’ve been missing being together with your church, I’ve put together a list of my favorite sermons from last year. These are all over the place. Some are topics, some are texts….

I don’t know about other preachers, but there are some sermons that I really enjoyed.

(There is an implication here….there are some that seemed like a good idea, until about 15 minutes into the sermon!)

Sometimes you run into an idea that’s beautiful or powerful and you just love sharing it. Other days – it’s a struggle. And of course, your mileage may vary. Some of the sermons I love the most leave Leslie scratching her head wondering why I rambled about that for half an hour!

So, without further ado, here are my five favorite sermon babies from 2019.

(If the files don’t play right in the browser – click the 3 dots on the right side and hit “Download.”)

A Gratitude Perspective
The gratitude perspective is powerful. The disciples had a choice – will we respond in joy, or will we respond in fear? Fear is easier for most of us – but joy is better.

The Lefty
Ehud and Eglon’s story is weird. Really weird. Why does the Bible take the time to tell us the story of a lefty and an obese king? In this Sunday night class, we learn that no matter how your story begins, it might just end very differently.

God’s Great Reversal
God has a way of taking the things as ugly, shameful, and useless, and using them to create the unimaginable. The Easter story is the greatest example of God’s Great Reversals.

Blessed Assurance
Do you know that you are right with God, or do you just hope to be? If you want Blessed Assurance, there are a few things you need to know…

Just Do It!
With no apologies to Nike, sometimes the message we need the most is simple. Just do it. Do what’s right, right now.

Honorable Mentions

If, somehow, you haven’t wised up yet, I’ve included two sermon series from last year that I really enjoyed. Remember, I’m not responsible if you listen while operating heavy machinery and you doze off… Please don’t mix with Benadryl!

A Christmas Carol Series

Somehow I had never read A Christmas Carol before 2019. I used some ideas from Dickens to prep for Christmas this year. You’ll probably like this series better if you are really familiar with the story.

  1. Ghosts and Chains
  2. Warnings from Above
  3. The Making of a Scrooge
  4. A New Creature

The Ten Commandments

My theme for 2019 was “Love God – Love Neighbor.” Jesus said you could summarize the entire law and prophets with this simple direction, so we looked at the ten commandments through the lens of how they teach us to love God and neighbor.

Also, when we hear the ten commandments, we tend to find the ways that other people violate them. I tried to pay particular attention to the way that I would violate them. That seems way more helpful to me…

This year’s materials are available over at the church website and our youtube page.

Every Day Bible

The Dull Bits

Alfred Hitchcock said that movies are “life with the dull bits cut out.”

Even in our shows that try to be “live” or mimic real-life schedules, you don’t watch Jack Bauer fill up his truck with gas on 24 or see the doctors on a medical drama filling out insurance appeals. Live PD doesn’t devote airtime to officers attending mandatory training sessions! The mundane is just that—mundane and boring.

Sometimes we are biased against the “dull bits.” We don’t realize how important they are. After all, most of life is ordinary, isn’t it?

Have you noticed that scripture is interested in all of life? “Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)

In all your ways acknowledge him…” (Proverbs 3:6)

“Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.” (Hebrews 13:15)

If you want to be a more committed disciple of Jesus, you’d do well not to focus on the extraordinary moments of sacrifice and service. Focus on the dull bits that others want to cut out!

Every Day Bible

The Shocking Truth about Boredom

Some of you are ready to strangle your kids if they complain about being bored one more time, but you should have a little grace. Humans stink at being bored.

Researchers at the University of Virginia recruited hundreds of volunteers for a study. Subjects sat in a room with no books, no phones, no pens, no televisions—nothing—and given fifteen minutes to do nothing—except think.

The subjects hated the experience.

They hated it so much that a follow up experiment was created.

Subjects were placed in a lab room alone for fifteen minutes again, but this time, they were given a button that would administer a painful electric shock to themselves if they wanted to.

After just a few minutes of boredom, 67% of men and 25% of women chose to shock themselves rather than sit alone with their thoughts.

(I guess this is proof that women are smarter than men!)

They knew the shock would hurt.

They had said before that they had no desire to experience a shock.

Participants even said in a questionnaire that they would pay money to avoid being shocked.

But when it came down to it, they’d rather be shocked than bored.

Bertrand Russell said that “Boredom is the vital problem of the moralist, since at least half the sins of mankind are caused by the fear of it.”

His quote reminds me of David, who was at home on his roof while the men were off to war when he noticed Bathsheba next door.

What’s the antidote? Learn to work and learn to rest. Learn to be present wherever we are. Learn to be curious and engaged and comfortable in our own minds.

Every Day Bible

Exercises in Seeing Grace

In this morning’s lesson, I wanted to show you just how prevalent and powerful God’s grace is in the story of scripture. I hope that helps us appreciate our total dependence on his kindness. I want you to see just how solid of a foundation this idea has in scripture. I could print a list for you, but you’ll “get it” better if you do some digging to find the answers, so I’ve prepared two exercises for you.

If it’s easier for you, you can download a printable pdf or word doc here:

Exercise 1: What Grace Does

I’ve listed most of the passages in the New Testament where grace acts. In these passages, God’s kindness does something. Look at each passage and make note of what grace can do. When you are finished, read over your list and see just how active of a force God’s grace is in our lives.

Passage                        Grace’s action

Romans 3:24               Grace justifies us

Romans 4:16              

Romans 5:2                

Romans 5:20              

Romans 5:21              

Romans 16:20            

1 Corinthians 15:10   

2 Corinthians 4:15     

2 Corinthians 12:9     

Ephesians 1:7             

Ephesians 2:5             

Ephesians 2:8             

Titus 2:11                   

Titus 3:7                     

Hebrews 2:9              

Hebrews 4:16            

Hebrews 13:9            

Acts 11:23                  

Acts 15:11                  

Exercise #2: Seeing Grace in the Old Testament

Most people are not well-trained to see God’s grace in the Old Testament. They think of the stories of God’s wrath and judgment—which are certainly there—and miss the acts of his kindness. It is true that the Old Testament doesn’t use the word “grace” as often as the New Testament. The New Testament even says in John 1:17 “the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

It would be a mistake, though, to believe that grace and truth are missing from the Old Testament. After all, wasn’t Jesus who embodies grace also the pre-existent one who was God and who was with God? (see just a few verses earlier in John 1:1-3).

Beyond that, you can read of “God, who saved us, and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began…”  (2 Timothy 1:9) God’s gracious character exists before he created the world in Genesis 1.

So here’s your exercise: find 3 examples of God’s grace in the Old Testament.

I’ll give you a few hints: the Hebrew word hen (חֵן) is usually translated as “favor.” It is the nearest equivalent to the New Testament’s charis (χάρις) “grace.” Don’t just look for the word, look for the idea! Look for stories where God shows kindness for no other reason than that God is kind. Look for his unmerited favor, his unnecessary mercy, his generosity. Look for evidence that God’s relationship with mankind isn’t transactional or quid pro quo, it is an outpouring of generosity before, during, and after any human response. Locate five stories where God is truly gracious.

Here are three to get you warmed up:

  1. God’s promise to Abram. In Genesis 12 God blesses Abram and makes him an incredible promise. He promises to make a great nation of the barren old couple. He promises to bless those who bless him. He promises an unimaginable legacy. Nothing Abram did merited this. In fact, Abram goes on to act inconsistently with this promise on more than one occasion (lying about his wife, sleeping with her servant, etc.), but nothing derails God from keeping his promise. God is kind to Abraham because of who God is.
  2. The book of Deuteronomy. Yes, the bulk of the book is filled with law, but the law is given in the context of God’s grace. Deuteronomy 1-4 are an account of how God has graciously blessed Israel. The laws are designed to reflect that blessing. Even in the section where Moses outlines the consequences of breaking the law (chapters 27-30), you see promises of restoration after repentance and hope after failure. (Check out Deuteronomy 7:7 and 9:5 as reminders of why God did what he did.)
  3. Ezekiel and Israel. Ezekiel 16 uses a parable to demonstrate Israel’s depravity, but while talking about how bad Israel has gotten, Ezekiel actually highlights how merciful God has been. God poured his love out on Israel when she had nothing to offer. He made her into something beautiful. She rejected him and caused great suffering, but God didn’t give up. He brings her back.

What three examples of God’s grace can you find?

Every Day Bible

Resurrection Reminders

I love Easter Sunday!

Not just for the Cadbury Eggs filled with chocolate or the Starburst Jelly Beans (which are the only Jelly Beans worth eating), and not even for the bigger-than-average crowds at church.

I love Easter because it is one more reminder of the resurrection.

Sometimes people will say, “We remember Jesus every week, so why is this one special?” My answer is simple. I love my wife every day, but I still celebrate her birthday and our anniversary. We need more reasons to celebrate and remember, not fewer.

The resurrection is the center point of Christianity. There are a lot of important pieces of Bible teaching that you can survive without getting quite right, but the resurrection is the most important. Let’s take every opportunity we can to talk about it! After all, the apostles mentioned it in almost every single sermon recorded in Acts!

The resurrection is crucial. Without it, Christianity falls apart (1 Corinthians 15:12-19).

The resurrection is the transforming power behind our new lives (Romans 5:1-11).

The resurrection demonstrates that nothing stops God from keeping his promises (Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:27, 13:35).

The resurrection gives us hope and strength and purpose and joy and meaning and life! I think that’s worth celebrating, don’t you?

Every Day Bible


This new tag began to trend on social media last Sunday. As thousands of churches across the country elected not to meet in person to limit the spread of the Coronavirus, Christians all over began to find alternative ways of meeting.

Some Christians met by having their own time of worship.

Families studied, prayed, and communed together.

Some churches took to the radio and even to television.

Thousands, like Burns, took our services online.

As of 10am on Thursday, our morning worship service showed up more than 2,600 times on people’s phones, computers, and tablets.  The video was viewed in part 1,514 times. I know that most of those views were just for a few seconds as people scrolled on down to the next thing on their feeds, but well over 100 “connections” watched from beginning to end. Remember that many of these connections represented families or friends worshipping together. I suspect that even though our auditorium was empty, last Sunday may have been our highest-attended service in history! Several even participated in worship services from churches all over the country.

I can’t wait to get back together to hug and high five and fist bump and be in the same room, but I love that even when we can’t assemble in person, we still assemble. It’s a reminder of the deeper truth that the assembly of Christians is always bigger than our assembly. I’m privileged to be part of that assembly!