In reading Randy Alcorn’s The Treasure Principle: Discovering the Secret of Joyful Giving, I stumbled on this little realization. In Luke 3:10-14, John the Baptist is describing works that show the fruit of repentance. In this text, he interacts with soldiers, tax collectors, and all men. The advice given to each is from the same category. See if you identify it.
He commanded the tax collectors not to over—reach and collect more than they ought.
He commanded the soldiers to be content with their wages and resist the temptation to extort the poor.
He commanded all men to share their possessions with those in need.
All people were instructed to show evidence of their penitent hearts based on their stewardship. Stewardship reveals values. Values reveal hearts. Where your treasure is, Jesus said, there your heart will be also.
Would John the Baptist see fruit of repentance in my check register? How about yours?