Side Note: I’m republishing this week’s bulletin article here. I wrote it after reflecting on what we’re currently reading in Exodus. Over and over, God’s mighty works are brought down to man for one purpose: to glorify God! That’s why the text said he hardened Pharaoh’s heart. That’s why he delivered the Israelites the way he did. His covenant making and covenant keeping was for one purpose: to reveal the glory of God. This article takes a brief look at how we reveal his glory. I hope you enjoy…
In our worship in song (and in the Psalms, too), we often use phrases like “glorify God” or “magnify the Lord.” What do we really mean when we use these phrases?
Am I capable of adding glory to God, the all-glorious one? What can I do as creation from dust to make bigger the name of Jehovah? Of course not! There’s nothing!
These phrases don’t mean that we add glory or honor or praise, but instead, we ascribe (write to his account) the glory that he already has. In other words, we give God his due and get out of the way! We make clear what anyone who knows anything about God should know: he is all-glorious and all-marvelous!
When Mary learned that she was to bring the world the Savior, she burst out into a song we call the Magnificat because of its opening line: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!” (Luke 2:47).
How do we magnify and glorify God? We live joyful lives that proclaim his changing power everywhere we go. Our message is his message. Our service to others is really his service—and service to him. We become complete, fulfilled in his purpose. Like his creation in Genesis, as his new creation, we do what we’re made for, and he can say, “It is very good!” (See Matthew 5:16-20).
See, God designed us for that purpose: to let his glory be known everywhere. If we live for his purpose, we’ll never be found defeated. God will always work through us for good!