New Zealand

Wrap Up

It is Tuesday night, and we’re packing up to leave tomorrow morning. The last two days were not our most productive ever. I had something akin to the flu on Sunday and Monday, and missed the morning’s work. Today, it rained very hard, and we got a very few doors knocked between showers, and half of a suburb letterboxed during the rainstorm. That probably wasn’t smart, but we’re on our way home.

See you in a couple of days!

One reply on “Wrap Up”

I’ll try to be brief… (LOL – as if)
Well it has been great to have Happy and all of the other FHU students who came to New Zealand here with us for the past 3 weeks and working as hard and as much as they were able to. Their visit has been very much appreciated by all and we are so thankful they came, including all the fun we had together, wishing them well now, and hoping they had a safe return. Lord willing we may see them again here sometime in future and otherwise we might stay in touch. My home email is and our church website here in New Plymouth, NZ is which we strive to enhance as best we can. Today I checked the mailbox at church and there was another 10 replies (for 2 days of mail) requesting the free book being promoted. That is now about 60 replies, and more expected. We also had 3 visitors on Wednesday night including Roger who Rod and perhaps others had spoken to while knocking doors. Well I’d better finish off now and again a BIG thank you !! – Anyways… you never know who you will meet tomorrow, next week, or next year – but sometimes there are some pretty amazing people and I’d say the FHU students have been pretty amazing and I’m glad they came our way. Just while I remember (and yes this is the brief version) – I remember us all meeting at the camp we had in Wanganui and one of the FHU students looking at the number present and saying, “the number of people who have attended this camp from the various congregations in New Zealand doesn’t even add up anywhere near the number of people we have just in the individual congregation back in the US”. Yep, there is no congregation here with over 200 members, yet in the US we know of congregations with 2,000 or more members. That is just amazing!! I look forward to helping with the follow up work that now needs to be done here. Thanks again. In Christ’s love, Paul Van Kuyk.

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